Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hello, world!

Hello friends and internet wanderers, bookworms and moths, and welcome to Read This / Eat That! Our blog is just a wee hatchling right now, but we felt that some sort of introductory post was needed before we dive into the sorts of posts one would expect from a blog with reading and eating in its title. Susan and I (“I” being Alyssa, the second of your fearless admins/writers/posters) decided to embark upon this little blog adventure following a recent multiple-hour discussion of books. Or a book, I think it was. At any rate, we realized that we enjoy reading books and talking about them. At length. And usually with some strong opinions involved. We also fondly reminisced about ours days in college performing culinary experiments (often beyond the scope of the average college student’s cooking repertory) and co-writing a column about them. Books, food, words, hmmm…

We enjoy books, we said to ourselves. We also enjoy cooking food, we thought. We also ALSO enjoy writing about these things!, we added. So why not make a blog combining these loves into one fun, internetty, bi-coastal project? The fruits of which train of thought you see here before you!

We know she’s not a beaut yet. We are pretty good at using the internet, but not quite as good at making it, so hopefully we’ll be prettifying as we go. And we’ve got lots of ideas! Book reviews, of course, (we read a lot of YA, but see no reason to limit ourselves to that), along with our occasional Double Take reviews, where we will read the same book and then duke it out (or spend the whole review agreeing with each other. I guess it will depend on the book. Stick around and see!), and maybe a read-along here and there. On the cooking side, we hope to do some ingredient challenges (where we choose an ingredient and challenge each other to invent a recipe using it), and then maybe even get crazy and combine the worlds of literature and food by reviewing some COOKBOOKS. Lots of ideas for fun theme posts, too, so hopefully, dear reader, you will stick around and see what’s in store! I mean, really…books and food. What could be better? :)

Friday, March 22, 2013