Sunday, May 5, 2013

Texting on Text: The Selection and Out of the Easy

Lest it seem like all we do is write lengthy rants posts about books we read (which, of course, ranks in our personal Favorite Things anthems), we're sharing our thoughts with you the way we usually do with each other. And by that, we mean unedited to make ourselves look less enthusiastic (exclamation points may also appear in our Favorite Things based on this conversation) or unnaturally insightful for text messages.

Thursday, 2 May, 12:00 am EST

Alyssa: Also, I started the selection!
Susan: :-D
Susan: I started out of the easy!

Friday, 3 May, 2:24 pm EST

Alyssa: Okay, I can’t stop reading the selection. XD very glad the sequel just came out
Alyssa: Not the best thing I ever read, but strangely addictive XD
Susan: Yay! It’s not just me!
Alyssa: Jeez, just put a hold on the elite for when it comes in. Contemplating reading the interim novella
Susan: Yes i completely agree! I finished out of the easy at 7 this morning. Addictive as well! More meat too.
Alyssa: I srsly think it came out like just 3 days ago
Susan: I must do the same! I didn’t realize it was out yet. Bad fan, i am.
Susan: Alas! Fourth in the line at my library!
Alyssa: LOL. Me too! Long Island and Phoenix must have similar tastes!
Susan: Hahaha—we’ll see which place reads faster. I am worried about the sequel though—can a sequel match the pleasantness of the first?