Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy October!

A box of ARCs from New York--what a great way to start October! Thanks, Sus! Anyone read any of these yet, or have plans to? Which should I start with??


  1. Not THE CLOCKWORK SCARAB. (http://girlsincapes.com/2013/09/06/clockwork-scarab/)

    But I found MARIE ANTOINETTE, SERIAL KILLER rather amusing and pretty interesting because it didn't end up being the Thing I expected. Although it DOES depend on your tastes!

  2. haha I know! I read your review last month and it convinced me that I would HATE the book. I sent it Alyssa's way because I like reading her reviews of steampunk. (And because I am gradually reducing my BEA pile. :-P)

  3. I was so disappointed to have to admit I wouldn't have enough time this month to get to the murderous ghost of Marie Antoinette. But I'm thrilled you liked it, and I hope Alyssa likes it too!

  4. I also read your review of it and will now probably not be reading the book, lol. Sorry, Sus--no steampunk review of that one forthcoming from me. XD

  5. Hm, that leaves me curious! Probably won't get to it this month, unless I get in a Halloween-y mood. Can Marie Antoinette's ghost be considered Halloween-y?

  6. Well... I thought it was scary... but I also thought the Scooby-Doo zombie island movie was scary...

  7. If you do decide to read it, have a stress ball near you and maybe something sweet that will make you happy. You'll need to release your frustration with something constructive xD

  8. I kept throwing fits. I just couldn't deal with it. The mystery was intriguing, but since the rest was so...particular, I couldn't feel excited about it :/
