Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Literary Presents I Wish I Could Give Alyssa

Well, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Eight Nights of Hanukkah, Week of Kwanzaa, and Anniversary of Alyssa's Birth have passed, and the gift-giving season is over. For some of us that meant that we exchanged the perfect presents already, but I suffer from some perfectionism tendencies and know I came up short this season. Not that my gift-giving failure was entirely my fault. . . (hint hint MWT and GRRM) In celebration of the end of the winter holidays, I have made a list of all the fantastic literary gifts I wish I could have given Alyssa this year. It's pretty obvious that none of these are waiting at her house for her return, but we can dream or plan for next year (Happy belated everything, anyway, Better Half of our blog!).
  1. Attolia #5 by Megan Whalen Turner

  2. So this is a somewhat sad start to this list because there is no publication date in sight for this book, which will follow four previous BRILLIANT books about conscientious, clever, and cool thieves/rulers/advisors of a Byzantine-like world. But I wish wish wish I could have told Alyssa that this one was coming out soon.

     photo Attolia5CoverDesign_zps09a9ee0d.jpg
    I only wish I could take credit for this illustration

  3. The Winds of Winter by George R.R. Martin

  4. Is it more realistic that we could hear news of this book (compared to Attolia) because it already has a planned name? And millions more dollars riding on its publication?

    Not the right one...

  5. Armada by Ernest Cline, audiobook narrated by Wil Wheaton

  6. I’m making progress towards realizable wishes! I have no idea if Wil Wheaton is going to narrate the audiobook of Ernest Cline’s 2014 novel, but he did such a great job on READY PLAYER ONE that I can only wish it for Alyssa.

  7. Code Name Verity dolls

  8. Author Elizabeth Wein has a much more talented friend than Alyssa has in me, because for a birthday gift, Wein’s friend found dolls to be Maddie and Verity and sewed an entire wardrobe for them. Any fan of the book would agree that these dolls could outfly and outshoot Barbie any day.

  9. The One by Kiera Cass
  10. This one is scheduled for next May, but having a copy now would be ever so lovely.

  11. SteamDrunks: 101 Steampunk Cocktails and Mixed Drinks

  12. I cannot think of anyone more suited to appreciating this book simply based on the title than Alyssa, who already has cooked her way through A Feast of Ice and Fire, but a book of cocktail recipes is fun for anyone.

  13. Griffin and Sabine notecards

  14. If you have not read or seen the Griffin and Sabine books by Nick Bantock, find a copy somewhere and check them out. The first trilogy weaves an eerie mystery through postcards and letters addressed to the characters, and each bit of stationery is beautifully illustrated by Bantock. Chronicle isn’t selling these anymore, likely because the Griffin and Sabine cult following has mellowed out, but the art is timeless.

  15. Abhorsen Bells

  16. The only thing that could ameliorate our not having bells with powers to keep the dead from the world of the living would be having tiny versions of the bells on a charm bracelet. Also out of stock.


  1. I have faith in your ability to create a much better possible cover for Attolia 5

  2. But this cover is Epic! I love how Alyssa popped the Magus in.

  3. You mean you don't like my ART?!?

  4. It was supposed to be amusing rather than good...not that I could've made it good even if I tried! XD
