Whether or not our concern for the shortlist results is purely self-centeredly motivated, the shortlist was announced on September 10th and we were quite keen to compare it with our own uneducated guesses. So for our third event, we present The Man Booker 2013 Shortlist Results!!!
Here’s a refresher on our predictions:
Alyssa’s Prognostication
We Need New NamesTransAtlantic
The Spinning Heart
The Marrying of Chani Kaufmann
The Lowland
A Tale for the Time Being
Susan’s Augury
A Tale for the Time BeingThe Spinning Heart
The Lowland
And the actual shortlisted are…

We both independently managed to predict 50% of the shortlist correctly, and with our combined powers of guessing we garnered a not-wholly-shameful 67%! It’s also worth noting that both of our predictions for the book that will ultimately take the prize are still in the running. We will be back in October when the prize winner is announced to see if one, or neither, of us will take the gold in this final MBPO (we thought it was time we had an acronym, don’t you agree?) event.
How about you? Did you make any predictions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
I didn't make any predictions because I haven't read any of the books. I think Harvest will win though. The psychology of the title wll do it. You can quote me. ;-)
I like that way of choosing! If I bet on horses for Triple Crown races I'd choose a winner based on which name would make the best news headline.
As good a way as any! I used to (in another lifetime) bet on horses by how "pretty" I thought they were & their names, and I won as often as my ex, who handicapped them, figuring for hours on his program. ;-)
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