Here is the leaning tower of books that emerged from the extraordinarily well-packed box S sent me. I’ve got them all arranged by release date, so there’s at least some semblance of organization in my read-and-review-all-the-ARCs plan.

This is the lovely collection of cookbook samplers S gathered at BEA. They all look great, but I’m especially excited about Will It Waffle? (a question I often ask myself) and Seriously Delish. Time to get cooking!

This is some of the random assorted swag that accompanied the books. I love the stuff related to Wonder, and the Hello Kitty poster is now hanging on my wall! How did it escape my notice that Hello Kitty Reading Day is a thing? There’s also a cool rhinestone tattoo thingy that S couldn’t remember what book it was a promotion for, but it occurs to me now that it would make sense if it had come with the ARC for The Jewel (which I think she did pick up).

Here are some of the ones I was SUPER anticipating that made their way into my hot little hands! Scalzi, Holly Black times two, Westerfeld, and CLARIEL!!!!!

I think this will be my first foray into the pile, though—it sounds really cute and whimsical, and it has a blurb from Norton freaking Juster on the cover! (I love The Phantom Tollbooth, so I’m willing to go with anything he recommends.) Here’s what it says on the back:
What if a riddle could save your life?What do you think?A tangle of ingenious riddles, a malevolent necklace called a torc, an array of menacing birds, and a writing desk that won’t reveal its contents: these are just some of the obstacles that stand between Gabriel and his father, who has vanished from their Brooklyn brownstone without a trace.
When Gabriel rescues an orphaned baby raven named Paladin, he discovers a valuable family secret that may ultimately lead him to his father. Along with Paladin and three valiant friends, Gabriel sets off to bring him home.
Here is an epic fantasy filled with unforgettable characters, seemingly unanswerable riddles, and astonishing bursts of magic at every turn.

And HERE we have the galley-est galley that every galley-ed! Or at least that’s what I’ve been calling it—Susan will vouch for that. (Really, I’m strangely fascinated by it.) I read the first book in this series earlier this year and I liked it, though it wasn’t as much as I’d hoped it to be. Still, when Sus called me from the Javits Center to ask if I wanted her to snatch this one up, I said YES because a) it’s about all-new characters, and b) another pretty cover. Also, it’s the roughest ARC/galley I’ve ever laid eyes or hands on, and I guess it’s not really either of those things because it says “bound manuscript” on the cover. You know what adds to the fun? THE FACT THAT I CAN’T USE IT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES. How amazing is that?! I feel like I’m getting a super special sneak preview. :D

And that, bookworms and moths, concludes this installment of “Fun Stuff in the Mail.” Heard of any of these upcoming books? Which ones look good to you? Let us know!
1 comment:
I have figured out the mystery rhinestone diamond tattoo thing! It's from THE SECRET DIAMOND SISTERS, which I just finished and reviewed. Sneak preview: rhinestone diamond tattoo may be the best thing about the book.
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